{SLRR With Mods ( 2.2.1 LE2MWM )} Hit
LINK > https://urluso.com/2t7RLJ
I have the SLRR 2.2.1 MWM but I have a problem with installing the cars when I put thefiles and then when I open SLREDITOR2 and when I add the directory and hit OK this error comes up - System.IO.FileNotFoundException: File not found - aka the JIT error. So would you be that good to tell me how to fix it????? Sorry for my bad english!!!!!
@bgmotoristto fix that right click on slrr. then click properties. click on compatibility tab. then make it compatible with windows xp service pack 3right click on slrr editor2. click properties, compatibility tab. make it compatible with windows vista service pack 2.when you want to use slrr editor run as admin everytime 2b1af7f3a8